Supported column types
Supported Column Types
The following questions / column types are supported by Easyform:
Item group - not available in monday forms
Text Column
Long Text Column
Numbers Column
File column - with the following advanced features:
Limit number of files
Limit file size
Limit file types
Retry failed uploads
Preview files prior to upload
Rename files prior to upload
Connect Boards Column - with the following advanced features:
Limiting selection to a single item
Displaying items from multiple connected boards
Limiting select options to items from specific boards when column is connected to multiple boards
⚡️ Pro plan feature: Item default values support - set default values for Connect Boards columns that are hidden in the form
Status Column - with the ability to:
Display labels as buttons, radio buttons or in a dropdown.
⚡️ Pro plan feature: Item default values support - set default values for status columns that are hidden in the form
Dropdown Column - with the ability to:
Limit the column to single selection
Display labels as checkboxes, buttons, radio buttons or in a dropdown.
⚡️ Pro plan feature: Item default values support - set default values for dropdown columns that are hidden in the form
Date Column
Phone Column
Email Column
Country Column
Link Column
Rating Column
Checkbox Column
People Column
Tags Column
Location Column
Coming soon
The following column types will be supported soon:
Timeline Column
Mirrors Column
Last updated