Thank you page
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Last updated
After a user fills the form and submits the response, the user is redirected to a thank you page. Easyform supports the following thank you pages:
A built-in thank you page styled the same as your form:
An external thank you page that can reside on your website:
Select Thank you page from the Settings menu:
Click the Content tab to switch to a built-in thank you page:
Enter a title in the Title setting.
Note: The title will have the same style as the form's title.
In order to add or edit the message in your thank you page, under Settings/ Thank you page/ Message: enter your message in the text-box.
Note: The message will have the same style as the form's description.
The thank you page supports HTML code, so you can use HTML to add formatting to your message and enter links the user can click.
Turn on the Show toggle in the Submit another response button settings.
Note: The button will have the same style as the form's submit button.
Enter a label in the Label setting of the Submit another response button settings.
Easyform allows you to redirect users to an external thank you page on your website after submitting the form. Select the URL tab, and enter the URL of your external thank you page.
Here's an example of it in action: