Submit button
Last updated
Last updated
To open the submit button settings, either click on the submit button inside the form:
Or, select Submit button from the Settings menu:
Enter a new label in the Label setting (the default label is Submit):
The submit buttons supports the following widths:
Label width
100% (default)
Here's how you change the width:
An inline submit button allows you to create single line forms, such as the following email subscription form:
To create a form similar to the above:
Remove all fields from the form other then an Email field.
Open the email field settings by clicking on the field inside the form:
3. Select 75% for the email field width:
4. Open the submit button settings, and select 25% for the submit button width:
5. Finally, switch on the submit button Inline setting:
Note: remember to mark the email field as required.
If you have chosen a width of less than 100% for your submit button, you can change the submit button's alignment:
You can change the submit button's color, border color and label color from the Submit button settings too. Here's an example of all colors changed:
For additional information about those settings, see here.
For additional information about choosing and resetting colors in general, see here.
To make your form's buttons more or less round, use the slider or enter a number for the rounded corners size in pixels.
For additional information about this feature, click here.